
It's Time to

Boss Up Your Budget!

It's Time to

Boss Up Your Budget!

Two things are important to help you achieve your financial goals:

I'm Going to Help You Crush BOTH!

Kiss All of This Goodbye!

We Don't Have Time for AND of This!


Get Your CFO Hat Ready! This Training Will Change Your Entire Outlook On How You View {And Manage} Your Money!

At one point I was over $500,000 in debt, so TRUST ME when I say that I completely understand how we can get it wrong when it comes to managing our finances and budgeting.

Now that I've destroyed that debt, I'm taking my Prosperity Partners (aka YOU) with me!

Together, my team and I have helped our Prosperity Partners to destroyed over $5M in debt, grow their savings and investments to over $1Mk and soared their credit scores to 700 and above - Now It's Your Turn!

I created this training so that - Together - we can help you break every financial chain keeping you from crushing both your personal and financial goals; and to put you on the path to financial freedom!

If You Are Ready to Claim the Financial Freedom & Peace of Mind that You Desire and Deserve, THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!


Our Prosperity Partners Speak

We’ve already helped over 1000s of our Prosperity Partners to Boss Up Their Budgets! Could You Be Our Next Success Story?

Are You Ready To:

I’m giving you the strategies and the blueprint, all you have to do is is follow it!

You Have Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain!

For $0, I’m going to hold you by the hand to teach you exactly what you need to:

Why Wait?

Meet The Frugal CrediTnista...

Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” is a Wife, Mother, Financial Empowerment Speaker, Author, Educator, Credit Counselor, Realtor, & ‘Real Life’ Budgeting Enthusiast!

It is her personal mission to Educate, Equip & Empower women & couples across the globe with the solutions they need to confidently & permanently Transform their Finances.

Because of her passion for helping others to accomplish their financial goals, her community has designated her as “The Goal Crusher’s Money & Credit Coach” – she loves it!

Having personally overcome being over a half-million dollars in debt & experiencing the shame of foreclosures, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, judgments, & practically every other poor credit rating there is; she can easily relate to those suffering from the stress & embarrassment that debt & poor credit can bring.

Utilizing her education, work history, & personal experiences, Netiva incites others to transition their finances from being financially limited to financially limit-less.

Enroll with us today and let’s get you started on your journey to financial freedom!

Boss Up Your Budget Training - FAQs

Can I really get results in just 5 days?

Yes, we’re going to give you step-by-step instructions and resources that are designed to help you see results in better understanding your money in just 5 days!


When Does the Class Start?

Whenever YOU Want! This is an 'on-demand' training that is available to you 24/7 for as long as you are an active student.

How Will I Know if I'll Like the Class?

Netiva has SEVERAL free trainings inside of her CreditMakesSense.me community, as well as on her YouTube channel, TheFrugalCrediTnista.tv. Check her out there, we know you'll be impressed. A Training with The Frugal CrediTnista is an experience not to be missed! 🙂

If I Am A Credit on Fire Academy Student Can I Access this Training?

Hey Hey Wealth Creator!

All training that you have access to is inside of your Student Dashboard, included this on! So, there's no need to reinvest, you already have access! Don't you just LOVE those #memberperks?!

What is Your Refund Policy?

Learning starts right away! So, due to the digital nature and immediate delivery of course contents, all sales are final. There are no refunds.