Ready to Create A Vision for Your Money?

Get Your Vision Board

Guide, Workbook & Planner!

Do You Want to…

✔ Uncover Your Biggest Dreams,
✔ Plan A Beautiful Future, And
✔ Start Living A Life You Love…

All With One Powerful & Fun Tool!

Kiss ordinary goodbye and step into your dream life…

I get it.

That burning desire ‘more’:

✔ More time with your family.

✔ More money to explore a world of possibilities.

✔ More peace of mind.

So what’s holding you back?


You Can’t Create a Dream You Can’t Envision

You’ve probably written down your goals and maybe even added dates and deadlines. You have to be able to see yourself accomplishing your goal if you want it to become a reality, and that’s what visualization is all about.

Unlike numbers on a spreadsheet or words in a journal, pictures help to paint a mental image that can drive you to reach higher and work harder.

The difference is, with a clear goal in sight, you’ll find more focus to help keep you on track to achieve even your biggest dreams.

And that’s what a vision board is for!

Introducing My

Vision Board Guide, Workbook & Planner!

I designed it specifically to help you to discover your goals and to take real, actionable steps toward achieving them.

You’ll Learn:
Grab Yours & Start Envisioning Your Dream Life Today!

Meet The Frugal CrediTnista...

Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard is a Wife, Mother, Financial Empowerment Speaker, Author, Educator, Credit Counselor, Realtor, and ‘Real Life’ Budgeting Enthusiast!

It is her personal mission to Educate, Equip and Empower women and couples across the globe with the solutions they need to confidently & permanently Transform their finances.

Because of her passion for helping her clients, students, and members to accomplish their financial goals, they have designated her as “The Goal Crusher’s Credit Coach”. And she loves it!

With an MBA in Finance and certifications in the real estate and financial industry; Netiva has utilized her education, work history, and personal experiences to incite others to transition their finances from being financially limited to financially limit-less.


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