
Wealth On Fire


Your Dream Life Starts Here - Let’s Build It Together.
You deserve to experience the soft life that only your finances can offer.
Where financial stress and anxiety are replaced with financial confidence, fulfillment, and joy!
We’ll teach you how to light your financial goals on fire, crush milestones, and transform your finances into a tool that serves not just your needs, but your deepest desires too...

Discover the Only Solution Needed to Unlock the Financial Future You Deserve


On December 19th, 2019, we arrived in our new country with nothing more than a few carry-on bags and checked luggage.

Everything we invested in for the last 10 years was finally coming to fruition.

It was nerves, excitement, and anxiety all wrapped together—it was the pinnacle of all our hard work. I couldn’t believe it.

The road, however, was filled with more than a few potholes along the way.

I’d spent a decade watching House Hunters and living vicariously through other peoples’ YouTube adventures.

All the times I failed to live up to my true potential, I blamed it on all the kinds of ups and downs we can all relate to:

And then it happened.

I decided enough was enough, took an honest look at my situation, and took steps to change forever.

I put in the hours, listened to people more knowledgeable than me, and turned it all around by learning how to fix my finances from the ground up by putting all my efforts into becoming a top-tier realtor and financial educator.

First, for myself, and then for everyone else tired of living the day-to-day grind and ready to take charge of their own financial future.

And while evolution started with a dream to create “Empowered Homeowners,”

It quickly led to educating and empowering people to achieve their “Dream Lifestyle”!

I wanted to provide people with the same kind of direction I’d received and give them the freedom that my own mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were never able to achieve:

Almost every powerful woman I’ve ever met spent so much of their “healthy years” putting in work for others, that they failed to realize their own dreams—most often succumbing to illnesses that robbed them of the little time they had left.

It’s time to live out your dreams today and not look back from retirement age at a life spent wasted. It’s time for you to put your dreams first, so you can live the life you desire.

Everyone has a different dream for their life—what does yours look like for you?

For me, it’s sandy beaches, beautiful mountains, historic colonial cities, spending time with loved ones, monetizing my passions, and enjoying plenty of me-time with self-care.
But for you, it could include things like:

Every dream is unique—just like you. And it should be a dream that’s fulfilling, exciting, and meets your expectations for everyday life

If this sounds like something you want for your life, I’m here to tell you it’s easier to achieve that you ever thought possible.

It’s Time to Stop Limiting Your Own Dreams

There are a thousand-and-one reasons why we feel and think that life is holding us back. And it’s these patterns that lead to problems we can all relate to:
But let me be the first to tell you…

Stressing Over Finances Does Not Have to Be the New Normal You Can Have the Financial Future You Desire!

Nobody wants to hear someone else tell you how successful they are when you’re struggling to make ends meet.
Especially if they aren’t telling you something you don’t know or giving you the tools to get there yourself.
There are three big questions that everyone is focused on:
And while many people spout generalizations at you, Wealth on Fire Academy is the first program that doesn’t just answer these questions - but guides you along on a journey to success from the very beginning.

As A Student, You Will:

Wealth On Fire Academy gives you the financial guidance, support, and knowledge needed to completely change your relationship with money for good!

This isn’t someone else’s journey—it’s yours. Let’s make it count!
This isn’t a bunch of random courses and templates for you to sift through on your own—NO—you’ll be given a goal-specific roadmap tailored to the financial challenges in YOUR life.

Leverage My Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wealth Consistency

Leave Behind the Past

Learn to Embrace the Future

Leverage My Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wealth Consistency

Leave Behind the Past

Learn to Embrace the Future

Introducing Wealth on Fire Academy

Wealth on Fire Academy is focused on helping you develop your financial readiness and success through six core areas. These foundational areas can help you level-up your finances and achieve your dream lifestyle, so you can create a fulfilling and successful life.

Elevate Your Wealth-Creating Mindset

Change your mind, change your money. A bigger bank account starts with thinking bigger, so we’ll tackle your mindset first. You’ll learn how to develop a growth mindset as well as how to address, release, and shift your limiting beliefs around money while expanding your overall view of financial readiness.

Master Your Money

If you can’t manage the money you have now, making more won’t matter. Learn real budgeting skills that will help your money work for you. You’ll learn the “3 M’s of Money”–make, manage, and multiply– and how you can budget your way to money mastery by creating sustainable income ventures.
Wealth on fire

Destroy Your Debt

Peter is tired of being robbed to pay Paul! You’ll learn the best way to tackle your debt and get free from your creditors—in the shortest time possible.

Accelerate Your Savings

After shrinking your debts, we’ll show you how to supersize those savings. (And psst… you don’t have to cut all the fun out to make it happen.)

Soar Your Credit Scores

A great credit score puts all of your other financial goals within arm’s reach. We’ll show you how to repair, rebuild, restore, and transform your credit score so that you can take advantage of all the perks that come with a higher credit score.

Leverage Your Finances to Create Wealth

Increasing your income, securing assets, leveraging insurance, and strategic tax planning. We’ve got all the tools and support you’ll need to escape the rat race and focus on living the life you’ve been dreaming of!
Are you ready to change your relationship with money so you can build the dream lifestyle that you desire? There’s nothing holding you back but you.

Here’s What’s Waiting for You Inside Wealth on Fire Academy

Avoid the Idea that It’s All Just Too Hard to Do

It’s easy to talk yourself out of success. When you’re in a tough spot, struggling with money, or have a lot of everyday responsibilities it’s easy to just tell yourself no.
I get it. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

Benefits of Being A “Wealth Creator” in the Academy Include:

It’s Time to Take Hold of Your Success.
Choose Wealth on Fire Academy and Chart Your Own Path!

Wealth On Fire Academy gives you the right tools, strategies, support, and accountability so you CAN build a better financial foundation today, tomorrow, and beyond—regardless of where you’re starting.
Imagine how it would feel to gain financial freedom and to become a genuine “Wealth Creator”.
Everything you want out of life is within reach—you just have to grab it.

Meet the Woman Behind Wealth on Fire Academy

I’m Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard, a wife, mother, financial educator, business coach, credit expert, goal crusher, and real-life budgeting enthusiast.

As someone who has personally experienced being in six-figures worth of debt, foreclosures, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, judgments, and all the shame, stress, and embarrassment  that comes with it all, I know what it’s like to be in a tough financial spot and feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

I also know what’s really possible with the right mindset, knowledge, and support.

It took my husband and me three years to rebuild our finances, and it was a LOT of work! We now enjoy homes and cards paid off – free and clear, living abroad, and more. Again, it was not easy. There was a lot we had to overcome, but one of the best things we did was work on us – our habis, behaviors and mindset while we educated ourselves about how to better manage and grow our finances together.

I teach others the exact same strategies that we used to transform our finances and crush our goals so that they too can live the life of fulfillment and happiness that they crave.

So, are you ready for a transformation? 

Are you ready to master your finances and to feel secure and confident with all your money decisions? 

I’m ready to help you, because you deserve it.

Meet the Woman Behind Wealth on Fire Academy

I’m Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard, a wife, mother, author, financial educator, business strategist, credit counselor, dream builder, and real-life budgeting enthusiast.

As someone who has personally experienced debt, foreclosure, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, judgments, and all the shame that comes with it all, I know what it’s like to be in a tough financial spot and feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

I also know what it’s like to suffer from the stress and embarrassment debt and poor credit can bring.

That means I also know what’s really possible with the right mindset and the right support.

It took my husband and me three years to build financial security and to purchase our home and cars free and clear. It was not easy. There was a lot we had to overcome, but one of the best things we did was educate ourselves along the way.

That’s why I teach others the exact strategies we used to transform our lives—so they, too, can live a life they deserve.

So, are you ready for a transformation? Are you ready to master your finances and to feel secure and confident with all your money decisions? I’m ready to help you, because you deserve it.

What some of our students have to say about our Academy

We’ve already helped over 1000s of our Prosperity Partners to Soar Their Credit Scores.

Could You Be Our Next Success Story?

Here’s one final thing I want to say.

Imagine how your life would change if you could begin putting your money towards what you want to build each month versus what you have to pay each month.

Imagine how your life would change if you could buy that dream home you’ve always wanted, invest and grow your own business, and purchase real estate property and investments, too.

Imagine how your life would change if you could have financial peace of mind and know that regardless of the future, you have the tools and strategies you need to always feel financially secure.

How would it feel to finally be in control of your finances rather than having them control you?

Get the financial tools, training, and support you need to create and maintain the sustainable financial lifestyle you want.

Join Wealth on Fire Academy Today!