
The Frugal Creditnista

Thank you!

We are truly excited to assist you with your Financial Transformation! 

You will receive an email FROM Prosperity Team (Credit Makes $ense) with a link to create a password.

Please check Spam or your Promotional Folder if needed!

All Dispute Letters & Material will be inside your Course(s) 

You DO NOT NEED to create an account; one has already been created for you.

Step 1 ) Check Your Email and click on the 1st Authentication link shown below: {Credit Makes $ense Community} – Login Details

Step 2 ) Save your password that is provided or choose your own 12-Character including one special character login.

Step 3 ) Select Sign In and click on your Magic Link (preferred) and or your Provide Email/Password. 

Step 4) Enjoy Your Courses 🙂

P.S.  Also note that when you register, you will already be inside of our Epic Online Community,  Credit Makes $ense, where you can ask questions and receive additional free training/assistance after your profile is updated.

Thank you

 ~The Frugal CrediTnista & Prosperity Team

 P.P.S. 🙂 If you have not received your DIY Kit -Welcome Email, please check your Spam/Promotional Folder. If, for some reason, you did not receive your email, please contact us immediately with the Support Button inside your Invoice.

Click Here – If you entered the wrong email and did not receive your login credentials or Welcome Email.