
The Frugal Creditnista

Hire Me To Speak

Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard is a Financial Empowerment Coach who is extremely passionate about educating, equipping, and empowering consumers to confidently transform their finances!

Her enthusiasm and spirited delivery will motivate your group to improve their overall financial health and implement her strategies right away.

  1. Pockets, Purses & Purpose – How to Assertively Align Your Money w/Your Purpose (Most Requested)
  2. Soar Your Credit Scores! 9 Steps to A Better FICO – My Signature Credit Improvement Plan Broken Down Into 9 Actionable Steps
  3. Be A Debt Rebels – Tips, Tactics & Strategies for Destroying Debt & Living Debt Free!
  4. Boss Budgets! – My 9 Steps to Budget Mastery
  5. “Navient; You’re FIRED!” – Understanding Student Loans, Repayment Options & Forgiveness Programs (Federal)
  6. Rent 2 Home Challenge – Home Ownership Planning from A – Z


Don’t see exactly what you need? Let’s discuss a customized plan tailored to your audience’s needs!

For more information about booking The Frugal CrediTnista at your next event, email booking@mnhcreditsolutions.com.