

Credit Repair CEO

Grow Your Business Quicker, Faster, Stronger!


Credit Repair CEO

Grow Your Business Quicker, Faster, Stronger!

6-Figure Credit Repair CEO Will Allow You To Grow Your Business
Take the Now!

Too many people are lost and spinning their wheels when it comes to starting and growing their credit repair business. Not Anymore! My 6-Figure Credit Repair CEO training will allow you to take control of your success and create a business that allows you to help your clients - and YOU - crush their financial goals!

We’ve already helped over 200,000 people reach FICO scores of 700+.
Could You Be the Next Success Story?

Here's What You'll Learn:

Everyone who starts a business is not a CEO.


Because so many people start their new business with the same thinking and skills they used as an employee.

In order to succeed as a CEO, there has to be a reinvention of your thoughts, your relationship with business, your relationship with money, and most importantly with YOU – eliminating your self-limiting beliefs, behaviors, and views about what ‘success’ looks and feels like.

So, I’m going to bring in my Life Coach and Clinical Life Therapist to teach you how you shift your thoughts, patterns, and mindset so that you can show up – at Every. Single. Level – ready to crush it CEO-Stylet!

Benefits of a CEO Mindset:

  • Embrace challenges head on – learning from them
  • Being comfortable making mistakes – being persistent in overcoming them
  • Take on negative feedback – improving from them
  • Celebrate others success – without feeling threatened by them
  • Being resilient – not giving up when setbacks occur

This is a ‘loud’ industry and I want to teach you how to stand out from the crowd!

In this module, you’ll learn how to build one of the most valuable assets your business will ever own – Your Brand!

The hands-on exercises, my Brand Coach and I will teach you how to build a brand that your clients will want to consistently do business with over and over again.

You’ll create and finetune your brand’s identity, message and personality so you can experience ongoing uniquity in this saturated market.

Developing a niche, getting clear about your target audience, and learning where to find them and how to connect with them are just some of the strategies you’ll learn in this exciting module!

Compliance! Compliance! Compliance!

This industry is ALL about compliance!

Here, You’ll Learn How to Establish A Professional Image for Your Brand!


  • Imagery
  • Client Communications
  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Phone Systems
  • Email Systems
  • Payment Processing Systems
  • Credit Repair Software
  • Determining Your Pricing
  • Conducting Competition Analysis
  • And MORE!

How will your buyers find you? What is the initial step they will take? What will lead them from that initial step to the moment they click that button and decide YOU are the one that they want to work with?

This module will help you define this!

Defining and building out the specific steps that your buyers will take on their way to investing in your services will help you to pinpoint their buying decision at every phase of the buying process.

Why is this important? So that you can better understand your buyers and most importantly to nurture their experience so that you can deliver quality service from their first interaction with you!

You’ll get my process for EVERYTHING!

  • Lead Magnets
  • Free Consultations (w/Script!)
  • Application Process
  • DIY Offers
  • Qualifying Your Leads
  • Onboarding Your Clients
  • Client Agreement Packet
  • Dispute Processing Workflow
  • Email Nurturing Sequences for Leads, Prospects, & Clients
  • Creating Your Corporation’s Ethics & Code of Conduct
  • How to Remain Compliant in Every Phase of your Buyer’s Journey

In Business, You Want to be a ‘Pick Me!’

My Sales Coach & I will teach you how to find, attract, and communicate with your ideal clients so clearly, that when they – or anyone they know – are ready to invest in credit repair services, the ONLY choice in their mind is You!

You’ll also learn how:

  • Create Engaging Content to Attract Your Ideal Clients
  • Optimize Your Personal & Social Media Pages for Business
  • Articulate Your Services & Values so that Your Ideal Client Knows You Care About BOTH the Value of Your Services & Making Money
  • How to Better Understand Your Ideal Client’s Deepest Credit Issues so that You Can Tailor Your Messaging & Services to Solve Them!

You’ll also learn how to create referral programs, affiliate partner programs, properly utilize Facebook groups to find your ideal clients (without getting kicked out), and MORE!

*We’ll also share the funnels, technology, and systems we personally use in our businesses!

You may think your job is to secure deletions for your clients, right? WRONG!

I’m going to teach you what your REAL job as a Credit Repair CEO is!

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Consumer Laws that You’ll Leverage to Give Your Clients the Best Results Possible
  • Conduct an Audit on Your Client’s Credit Reports, so You Can Provide the BEST Strategies Possible to Help Them Crush their Credit Goals
  • Create Your 6-9 Step Dispute-Processing Workflow
  • What Dispute Tactics Can Get You Results in Just 24hrs
  • What Dispute Tactics Can Get You Results in Just 30-Days
  • Use Factual Disputing to Get Results
  • Use Metro 2 Disputing to Get Results
  • To Use the 3-Point Criteria for All of Your Client-Disputes
  • Step-by-Step Proven Credit-Dispute Tactics
  • Over 100 Dispute Letter Templates
  • And More!

Throughout the entire training, I’ll be sharing:

  1. The EXACT Call Scripts I train my team on!
  2. The EXACT Dispute Instructions I train my processors on!
  3. The EXACT Email Sequences I share with my clients!
  4. The EXACT Video Script I used on my Prequalification Landing Page!
  5. The EXACT Lead Workflow to get people from Lead-to-Prospect-to-Client!
  6. The EXACT Strategies we use to create content, create other offers, and more from our Consultations!
  7. The EXACT Automations we use to cut down our administrative and processing tasks!
  8. The EXACT steps to take to remain compliant AT.ALL.TIMES!
  9. The EXACT companies I use to get paid to help our clients to build credit, obtain credit monitoring!
  10. And MORE!

You’ll Receive Expert Training from an Industry Attorney, Branding Coach, Sales Coach, Automation Expert & MORE!

This Module is all about IMPLEMENTATION!
You’ll employ the step-by-step free and paid client-attraction marketing tactics shared throughout your training!

I’ll share additional text-marketing, messenger marketing, paid advertising strategies, social media Live tactics, $ MORE so you can attract, offer, and close your ideal clients!



  • Over 450 (Yep, 450!) Credit Repair Social Media Graphics (Along with training on the EXACT steps to personalize them for your business!)

  • Customizable DIY Credit Course to sell in addition to your Credit Repair Services!

  • Customizable Home Buying Course in addition to your Credit Repair Services! 

  • Customizable Lead Magnet: DIY Kit eGuide

  • Lead Magnet Canva Mockup Templates for You to Include on Your Website, Shopping Cart, and Social Media!

My EXACT Client Onboarding & Dispute Processing Workflows!

No Fluff. 100% Proven Strategies

When I was seeking training to grow my credit repair business, I was faced with the same problem:

Trainings that were filled with steps that THIS particular business owner took that did not fit into how I wanted to do business. This left me even more confused, frustrated and stressed.

And have you noticed that many credit repair trainings hold back critical information that’s absolutely necessary for success? The thinking is “I’m not training my competition.” Which meant, I wasted my money! You don’t have to worry about that with me, I’m not training my competition; I’m training my Referral Partners! Now that I’m no longer in the credit repair industry, I NEED legitimate, compliant, knowledgeable credit repair companies to refer my Prosperity Partners to! So, I’m going to make sure I teach you exactly what you need to successfully start your credit repair business strong!

Have Questions About How 6-Figure Credit Repair CEO Can Help You in Your Business?
We’re more than happy to answer any question you have!

Meet the Creator of 6-Figure Credit Repair CEO

Netiva, “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard!
Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” Heard is a Wife, Mother, Financial Empowerment Speaker, Author, Educator, Credit Counselor, Realtor, and ‘Real Life’ Budgeting Enthusiast! As the founder of MNH Financial Services, LLC, it is her personal mission to Educate, Equip and Empower women and couples across the globe with the solutions they need to confidently & permanently Transform their finances. Because of her passion for helping her clients, students, and members to accomplish their financial goals, they have designated her as “The Goal Crusher’s Credit Coach”. And she loves it!   Having personally overcome being over a half-million dollars in debt & experiencing the shame of foreclosures, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, judgments, and practically every other poor credit rating there is; she can easily relate to those suffering from the stress and embarrassment that debt and poor credit can bring.   With an MBA in Finance and certifications in the real estate and financial industry; Netiva has utilized her education, work history, and personal experiences to incite others to transition their finances from being financially limited to financially limit-less.
Enroll with us today and let’s get you started on your journey to financial freedom

Why Wait A Second Longer?! Become A Six Figure Credit Repair CEO Today! Grow Your Business Quicker, Faster, Stronger!

DISCLAIMER: 6-Figure Credit Repair CEO provides you with steps that I personally took to build, grow, and scale a six-figure credit repair business. You are getting the blueprint for my six-figure credit repair business. I have the benefit of having gone through a ton of training, trial, and error for years, and have an established following and history as a result.
The term ‘6-figure’ is not at all implying that you will achieve six figures in your business. The results that you achieve will depend on your work ethic, implementation of the information learned, effort, actions, and continuing training.
If you are not willing to put in the consistent effort and action, please reconsider investing in this, or any training until you are.

*By submitting your personal information on any of TheFrugalCrediTnista.com webpages, you are authorizing our company to send you informational and promotional messages via email, phone calls, and text messages.