
The Frugal Creditnista


When Passion Meets Profits

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Purpose-Driven 6-Figure+ Credit Repair Business

Do you have a passion for helping others improve their finances and achieve their financial goals?

Do you dream of running a wildly profitable business that aligns with your purpose and values?

If so, you’re in the right place!

You want to be more than a CEO - you want to make a difference.

You know what it’s like to borrow from Peter to pay Paul and have your credit card payments get eaten up by interest every month. Lose sleep over your finances, and have stress and anxiety lie right alongside your dreams and vision for a better tomorrow.

You know firsthand that financial education can save lives. And you want to give that gift to others. 

You just need to know where to start…

Introducing My Free Training

When Passion Meets Profits - Your Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Purpose-Driven 6-Figure+ Credit Repair Business

This training is for CEOs -  just like you - who want to learn how to successfully build a credit repair business that creates financial freedom and makes a real impact in people’s lives.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your current product suite, this training is the perfect way to explore your passion for helping others and determine if a credit repair business is the right path for you.

You'll Learn:

Inside, you’ll get a complete roadmap on how to build and grow a 6-figure credit repair business - And I don’t gatekeep! These are REAL strategies that I use in my business every day.

So what are you waiting for?

Smack that button below and start your journey towards building a successful, purpose-driven credit repair business today.


Because we can make twice the impact together. Class space is limited!

About Me

Hi! I’m Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista”.

I’ve been in the Credit & Financial Education Industry for well over a decade and have loved every millisecond of it.

This business has allowed me to help hundreds of thousands of people around the globe to crush their financial goals, while affording my family and I the opportunity to live out our wildest dreams – and I want the same for you!

Now that my family has begun our international, nomadic lifestyle journey, it’s time to kiss my credit repair business goodbye –  and teach everything I know to you: my new referral partners!

Smack that button below to join me!

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