The Frugal Creditnista

Don’t Be Afraid To Renege

Oh how tempting a brand new store is! There's a new Super Walmart that opened near me and I'm telling you my Mom has been stalking it. She convinced me to go the first day it opened and Oh-My-Word!

I am not the type of person that would lose their budgeting mind in a Walmart store but I have NEVER been to a brand new store before! Everything was so orderly and new and…Affordable! LOL

And then it happened. I lost my budgeting mind. I got to that register and when it rang up $370.46 (I only intended to spend $200 on necessities and a few things for the kids) I said NUH-UH!

Who would have ever thought that those small-priced items would add up to so much! Geez Louise unsure emoticon

Now you may be thinking I just paid and walked out; I sure didn't. I told that cashier I failed to stick to my budget and some things had to go back. I apologized to the people in back of me (we know why; it's just like being behind a coupon lady; she's happy; you're not because of the looooong wait; HA!) but my money has some goals to achieve and adding to Walmart's bottom line is not one of them.

So… I reneged and put that stuff back until I got to $215; still over but not by $150+. If you ever get to a point where you lose your budgeting mind; put it back, return it, or sell it.

Your money has more important things to accomplish smile emoticon

Hope your day is going well!

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