The Frugal Creditnista

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year… For Credit Repair!

Holidays are such a pleasant time: extra days off, time well spent with family and friends, and great food!

Being that we take off so much time from our jobs, companies find the holiday season challenging as far as ensuring coverage for work duties.

The same can be said of creditors, debt collectors, courthouses and credit bureaus.  Therefore:


Many wait until after the holidays, but this is a big no-no.  The big 3 credit reporting agencies – Experian, Equifax & Transunion – will be working hard to meet work demands and to meet deadlines, particularly the 30 day deadlines associated with credit report disputes.  By starting your dispute now, you'll have an advantage as credit bureaus will be understaffed and focused more so on holiday activities.  

Another reason the holiday season is such a great time to start repairing your credit is thanks to the credit card companies.  Have you reviewed your junk mail lately?  I guarantee you've seen an increase in credit card offers as many are providing holiday specials with eased credit guidelines.  This means increased credit applications that require more credit checks.  To add, credit card companies, creditors, debt collectors and specialty consumer reporting companies are understaffed as well so that chances of them responding in a timely fashion is reduced is greatly reduced.  

This is why more deletions occur from credit reports this time of year than any other time.  So, from the end of November until the 2nd of January, dispute away!  Take advantage of the fact that credit bureaus have issues with productivity due to their staffing being cut as much as 40%. This is the ONLY time I would advise sending in a dispute letter for EACH item that you want removed.

If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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