The Frugal Creditnista

It Is Up To YOU To Monitor Your Student Loans!

Happy Friday!!!
I used to work in Student Finance and received several calls from students wondering why their loans were reporting as late or in collections when they were either
A. Still in school,
B. Just graduated,
C. Hadn't been notified that their student loans were going into repayment after being deferred.
It is up to you to monitor and communicate with your student loan servicer.
If you are still in school submit proof of that, yes your school will notify the servicer, but I had to do 3-ways a number of times to verify a student's in-school status. The credit reports were updated accordingly.
If you have just graduated, keep in mind that you are allowed ONE 6-month grace period. If you have utilized your grace period for a loan(s) already, it will kick into repayment 30-60 days after you graduate/stop attending school.
After you graduate, call your student loan servicer(s) and get educated on the type of loans you have, how they accumulate interest, what your repayment options are; approximate monthly payments, and most importantly WHEN YOUR FIRST BILL IS DUE!
This example is from a grad student who had no idea her loans were put back into repayment and received multiple late payment statuses on her credit reports, which wrecked havoc on her scores.
We were able to get them removed because one of the dates they said she was late was during her 6-month grace period; and thus the accounts were reporting inaccurately (10 total).
My point; it is not up to the servicer to monitor your loans; it's up to you; you're the one that has to pay them back.  Pick up the phone, communicate, and plan accordingly.  🙂
Hope this helps!

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