The Frugal Creditnista

Welcome to The Prosperity Club!

So excited to have your here!  When I created the Credit Makes $ense community, I wanted to provide a space where accurate financial information was shared – because we know how much trash is out there, OMG!  I had no idea that it would catapult into a 15k (and growing!) space where I’ve created friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime :).

Our community is a safe space where we support one one another, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable during our journey to Financial Prosperity, this is why we are Prosperity Partners!

As a ‘thank you’ for being apart of our community, you’ll receive my 200 Ways to Cut the Fat Savings Challenge, My Prosperity Partners Credit Manual, Freebie Fridays, Member-Only pricing and so much more!

A Little About Me…

I have personally had almost every bad credit rating you can think of – Bankruptcy, Judgments, Tax Liens, Charge-Offs, Collections – you get the point!

Right now, I’m sitting smack dab in the upper 700s – low 800s. Not bad, huh?

I shared this to show that 1. It’s Possible! 2. It takes time. 3. It still isn’t as high as I’d like it to be; however, it’s high enough to command the best rates and terms no matter what type of funding I desire.

I want the same for you.

Making the decision to improve your relationship with your money and to soar your credit scores is one of the best financial moves you can make to build a solid and promising future for yourself.

It’s an important part of the wealth building, retirement planning process, and your overall financial success!

So, if you are looking to permanently Master Your Money, Destroy Your Debts, and Soar your Credit Scores, you’re in the right place!  I’ve left your Prosperity Partna specials below :).


Need a little direction on how to handle a specific credit situation?  This consultation is for you!  We’ll discuss your credit situation, review your credit item(s) on your credit reports, and answer your questions to get you on the right track!

This consultation is best if you need a quick and reliable answer to your credit question, or are unsure how to handle a financial dilemma and need professional input.

20min Personal Credit Consultation
Need a little direction on how to handle a specific credit situation?  This consultation is for you!  We’ll discuss your credit situation, review your credit item(s) on your credit reports, and answer your questions to get you on the right track!  You’ll walk away with 1-2 immediate action steps to begin improving your credit right away.
This consultation is best if you need a quick and reliable answer to your credit question, are you’re unsure how to handle a financial dilemma, or want a quick review of your credit reports to see which program/service would be best for you.
Personal Credit Building Strategy Session
Need A Step-By-Step Plan of Action? Need help creating a plan to improve your credit as efficiently and quickly as possible? Or do you need reviewing your credit reports for errors?
This Consultation is for You! We’ll perform a complete Analysis of your Credit Reports, Consult with you on our findings, recommend next steps, answer any questions, and based on our conversation and your goals, we’ll craft a Custom Credit-Building Plan of Action for you to follow
20min Personal Budgeting Consultation
A consultation to review your personal budget. You’ll provide us with a copy of your income + expenses using the Money Mastery Workbook and we’ll review it, offer suggestions to fine-tune it, & answer specific questions to begin Mastering Your Money. Plan to walk away with 1-2 actionable steps that you can begin implementing immediately.
1-Hour Personal Budgeting Strategy Session
A comprehensive review of your personal income and expenses for the sole purpose of helping you create and implement a Personal Spending Plan to Light Your Financial Goals on FIRE! A workbook will be provided at the conclusion of your call that fully outlines your new spending plan!

Let Us Handle Your Credit Disputes for You!

Feeling Overwhelmed by the whole Credit Disputing Process?

Don’t know what letters to send and to whom?  Got a ‘Verified’ or ‘Remains’ response and not quite sure what it means or how to handle it? Never heard of the Trifecta Method?  An MOV, FACTA 312, or FCBA Letter?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered; we’ll handle all of your credit disputing for you with our proven strategies that have helped 1000s over the years to soar their credit scores so they can achieve their financial goals!

You’ll start with our PreQualification Credit Review by a member of my Prosperity Team, where we’ll review your credit reports to ensure that our Credit Services are the best fit for you.  We’ll notify you if you’re eligible for services, and provide you with full instructions on how to move forward.

If you are not eligible for our services, we will provide you with the best services that will be a good fit for your credit profile.  

Each month, your Credit Dispute Services will include one or more of the following:

  • – Tailored dispute letters to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
  • – Debt Validation’s & Cease & Desists letters to collection agencies
  • – Regularly scheduled updating of your file via your Client Portal
  • – Escalated disputes to creditors, credit bureaus, and collection agencies
  • – All dispute letters are printed and mailed for best results (NOT faxed or submitted online).
  • – Dispute language is reviewed, then approved by FCRA/FDCPA attorneys
  • – Email Support via your Client Portal
  • Credit on Fire Academy’s Client Learning Center is included as a bonus for as long as you are a Credit Dispute client!  That means you’ll have access to courses on budgeting, rebuilding your credit, home ownership, real estate investing, and MORE!

Our Credit Disputing Services will tackle the Repairing; our Credit on Fire Academy will provide you with the tools to Restore and Rebuild!

Select the button below to schedule your Initial Consultation Today!


***Select the Button Below to View our Current Special!***

{Services Not Available in the State of GA}

90-Day Slay Program

Have you started repairing your credit, and then got confused, or stuck on what to do next?  KISS ALL OF THAT GOODBYE!  This credit-soaring program takes the guesswork out of your credit repair journey!

We will spend up to 2 hours analyzing all 3 of your credit reports, line by line, to create a customized 90-Day Plan of Action to Repair, Restore, Rebuild & Soar Your Credit Scores!  We’ll review that Plan of Action with you during your 30-minute telephone consultation to ensure you completely understand your next steps and to answer any of your questions.

Your 90-Day Action Plan will include:

  • The specific items that need to be disputed (and why) to achieve your credit score goals,
  • Personalized initial dispute letters to challenge those accounts,
  • The accounts that may need to be settled, balances reduced, or negotiated for Pay-to-Delete,
  • Specific accounts to add to your credit profile – with instructions on how to use them – to begin rebuilding your credit scores with the right products.

You’ll receive 60-Days of Email Support & One Follow-Up Consultation within 90 days of your initial consultation to ensure you remain focused and on the right track to 700+ Credit Scores.

You’ll leave your consultation with your Full 90-Day, Step-by-Step Action Plan, Personalized Dispute Letters that you can mail off right away, and Dispute Letter Templates tailored to your Unique Credit Circumstances.
Your Credit Transformation is Just A Click Away!

All You Have to Do Is:

  1. Open Your Plan of Action and Go to MONTH ONE
  2. Mail Month One’s Dispute Letters, fully customized with your information and bureau/furnisher’s mailing address)
  3. Follow Your Credit Soaring To-Dos for Restoring and/or Rebuilding (What credit products to add, what to pay off/down, what to settle, etc.)
  4. Take the Classes Recommended for the Month Inside of Credit on Fire
  5. Repeat for Months 2 & 3!
  6. Gain Continuous Support for 75 Days via Email
  7. Schedule Your Follow Up Consultation within 90 days

As a Bonus, you’ll receive 45 Days FREE inside of my online DIY Credit & Wealth Building School, Credit on Fire Academy to provide further support and guidance in soaring your credit scores!

PROSPERITY PARTNER ONLY INVESTMENT  – ***Installment Plan:  $279 & 2 Installments of $250

Select the button below to schedule your Initial Consultation!

3-Month Personal Credit Coaching Program

Our Most Popular Credit Coaching Program!!!

You’ll have your very own Personal Credit Coach for 3 Months, who will work with you hand-in-hand in Repairing, Restoring, Rebuilding and Transforming Your Credit Scores!!!

Your Personal Credit Coach will spend up to 2 hours analyzing all 3 of your credit reports, line by line, to create a customized 90-Day Plan of Action to Repair, Restore, Rebuild & Soar Your Credit Scores!  You’ll review that Plan of Action with your Credit Coach during your Credit Strategy Session to ensure you completely understand your next steps and to answer any of your questions.

Your 3-Month Personal Credit Coaching Program will include:

  • – A Complete Downloadable Analysis of Your Credit Reports, detailing the specific items that are negatively impacting your reports (and why) to achieve your credit score goals,
  • – Creation of Customized Dispute Letters to challenge the inaccuracies and inconsistencies reporting on your credit reports (YES!  We’ll mail off your dispute letters for you)
  • – Monthly Action Plans detailing the accounts that may need to be settled, balances reduced, or negotiated for Pay-to-Delete;
  • – Monthly Action Plans detailing the specific accounts to add to your credit profile – with instructions on how to use them – to begin rebuilding your credit scores with the right products.
  • – 60-Minute Budgeting Consultation, which is the foundation for soaring and maintaining  great credit scores
  • – 3-Months of of Email Support 
  • – Two Follow-Up Credit Coaching Calls within 120 days of your initial consultation to ensure you remain focused and on the right track to Soaring Your Credit Scores.
  • – Personalized Exit Strategy Plan so you can continue your Credit Building Efforts!

Your Personal Credit Coach will be there for you every step of the way!

As a Bonus, you’ll receive 3 Months FREE inside of my online DIY Credit and Wealth Building School, Credit on Fire Academy to provide further support and guidance in soaring your credit scores & CRUSHING Your Financial Goals!!!

PROSPERITY PARTNER ONLY INVESTMENT – ***Installment Plan:  $489 & 3 Installments of $259

Select the button below to schedule your Initial Consultation!

{Services are not eligible in GA/SC/CO/LA/OR/KS}

6-Month 1-on-1 Credit Coaching Program

Looking to work with someone hand in hand?  Someone that will work exclusively with you, mail off your letters, include you in the process, personally help you restore your credit scores, rebuild your credit with the right products, and personally help you achieve your goals?  THIS IS IT!

Our 6-month Personal Credit Coaching Program was designed to give you all the tools, mentoring, advice and support you need to Soar Your Credit Scores in record time!  You’ll be armed with the most accurate, and up-to-date credit tactics available, backed by Federal Consumer Right Laws.  It is designed to approach Credit Improvement from a 360-degree method – Repair, Restore, Rebuild.

We’ll start by scheduling an Initial Consultation to discuss your credit goals, review your reports, pinpoint financial areas of concerns and to go over any questions you may have regarding your credit, current debts, and our program.  The Initial Consultation is $35 and will be deducted from your investment for services if we decide we’re a good fit for each other.

Next, we’ll perform a Full Audit of your Credit Reports, where we’ll spend up to 2 hours analyzing your credit reports line-by-line to develop the best solutions for you to begin Soaring Your Credit Scores right away!  We’ll discuss this Action Plan with you during your Credit Strategy Session.

Dispute Letters will be created for you, and upon your approval, will be mailed off on your behalf; you’ll receive a Custom Credit Soaring Action Plan that is filled with with financial To-Dos that you will begin working on ASAP (a total of two (2) every 90-Days).

Each month, or upon receipt of your credit bureau responses, a Follow Up Consultation will be scheduled to review documents received from the credit bureaus, advise you of your next Credit Building/Debt Payoff steps, create additional dispute letters (if necessary), and to ensure your initial 90-Day Action Plan is up-to-date and intact.  You’ll receive a Total of 4 Follow Up Personal Credit Coaching Calls, a 60-Minute Personal Budget Strategy Session, and a 30-Minute Follow Up Budget Strategy Session.

*You will work with ONE Credit Coach throughout the entire program.  They will be available for email support in between consultations to ensure you stay the course for the entire 6 months, and provide additional strategies that will empower you for a lifetime! We don’t just fix credit; we TRANSFORM them!

As a bonus, you’ll receive 6 Months Paid Membership inside of my Credit on Fire Academy as long as you’re an active client.

PROSPERITY PARTNER ONLY INVESTMENT – *Installment Plans Available – $485 for Credit Audit; 6 Installments of $247*

{Services are not eligible in GA/SC/CO/LA/OR/KS}

Budget Review 20min – $65

A Budgeting Consultation to review your personal budget. You’ll provide us with a copy of your income + expenses using the Money Mastery Workbook and we’ll review it, offer suggestions to fine-tune it, & answer specific questions to begin Mastering Your Money. Plan to walk away with 1-2 actionable steps that you can begin implementing immediately.

Schedule A Budget Strategy Session – $249

A comprehensive review of your personal income and expenses for the sole purpose of helping you create and implement a Personal Spending Plan to Light Your Financial Goals on FIRE! A workbook will be provided at the conclusion of your call that fully outlines your new spending plan!

1-90min Budget & Debt Payoff Strategy Session w/ (1) 30-min Follow Up Sessions – $575

Assistance Creating a Custom Spending Plan AND Debt Pay Off Plan that allows you to accomplish your short-term goals & places you on a path to CRUSH your long-term goals as well.  A workbook will be provided at the conclusion of your call that fully outlines your new Spending + Debt Payoff Plan.

    • One Follow Up Session provided (good for 45 days),

    • Thirty-Day Access to Our Online Financial DIY School Money Mastery Masterclasses to ensure you’re on the right rack to transitioning your Money from Maintenance to Mastery!

(Installment Plan: 2 Installments of $287.50)

We Are Happy to Have You As One of Our Prosperity Partner!!!